1. Registration Forms are to be filled ONLINE ONLY before the end of the Registration period.
  2. The official Application Form must be completed with the relevant details. However, Methodist High School does not guarantee a seat reservation.
  3. The Principal reserves the right to accept or reject any application for admission without assigning any reason.
  4. For a child who has been to school previously and is attending this school for the first time, a Transfer Certificate from the previous School must be furnished before joining the School.
  5. For those coming from outside Uttar Pradesh, the Transfer Certificate must be countersigned by the appropriate education authority of the State concerned.
  6. Since no change can be made in the age once it is entered in the Admission Register, a certified copy of the Birth Certificate is also to be submitted in each case.
  7. The date of birth once entered in the Admission Register will NOT be altered under any circumstances. On withdrawal, a Transfer Certificate will be issued if due notice has been given and all fees have been paid according to the school rules.
  8. Admissions, where vacancies exist, are made on the basis of an entrance examination, interview.
  9. Those children who are registered will be notified of the date of the examination. After examining the child, the Principal reserves the right to admit the child into the class deemed suitable for him her.
  10. Children of the Defense services Personnel, MHS Staff, Brother Sister, Christian, Govt. Official Transfer cases, Single Parent and other regardless might be given preference in admission on merit basis if vacancy exists.
  11. Normally the last date for registration is mid January for Play Group, Nursery and Class I.
  12. New admissions are not made to Classes 10 and 12
  13. There will be a written Test for the students seeking admission to Class 1 upwards only in case of vacancy.
  14. Age Requirement:
    (A student should complete the age indicated below against the class, Preferably by  the commencement of the academic year)
                                        PLAY-GROUP  3 YEARS AS ON APRIL 1ST 2025
                                        NURSERY 4 YEARS AS ON APRIL 1ST 2025
                                        CLASS 1(ICSE BOARD/CAMBRIDGE BOARD) 6 YEARS AS ON APRIL 1ST 2025
  15. Aadhaar card/Passport of the Student must be submitted at the time of Admission.
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