- The REPORT CARD is sent to show the Progress of your Ward.
- The pass marks for each subject is 40%. A pass in English is compulsory.
- Parents / Guardians are advised to attend Parent – Teacher meeting as and when scheduled to discuss their wards progress. For an ‘Unsatisfactory’ report, parents must consult the Principal within a week’s time, after the declaration of the First / Second Term report. No interview will be granted after the Final Assessment / Term exam results.
- Basis of evaluation is the result of assessments/Unit Test and Terminal examinations.
- Appearance in all Assessments / Terminals is/are a must.
- A student with less than 75% attendance in the year’s average will not be allowed to sit for the Final Assessment. It can also lead to non-consideration for promotion to the next class.
- Promotion will be done on the basis of the cumulative achievement levels of the student as indicated by the year’s average column.
- If a student does not appear in Unit Assessments / Terminal Examination due to late admission / transfer or sickness, no make – up test will be allowed. In such cases student’s performance during the entire session will be taken into consideration and the staff concerned and principal’s assessment will be final.
- A student who fails, twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his / her studies in this school.
- Duplicate documents will be issued on payment of rupees 100/- each.
- A student with out-standing fees will not be allowed to appear further in any examinations.
- Final report if not collected on the day, will only be given to parents on working day of the school and to no one else.
Classes upto V
A minimum satisfactory aggregate should be attained by students in English, Hindi & Mathematics
Classes X and XII
Appearance in the Pre – Prelim and Prelim Examination is a must.
Exceptions can be considered in case of late admission / transfer or sickness only when parent submit relevant certificates along with applications. No make-up test will be permitted. Students failing in subjects in the Prelims Examination must appear for a Re-Test in order to appear for the Council Examination.